Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More Pictures!

She's starting to smile all the time now! She loves to be called "pretty" and "Princess". It almost always makes her smile. We love it!
Camri loves to bring Capri toys and especially loves reading her books. She is such a sweet and loving big sister!
She's already a Daddy's girl! I love how they were just gazing at each other. Sweet.
Daddy and his Girls.
If only I could get her to smile when the camera is out. I just can't seem to get a good one.


Debbie said...

Capri and Camri and soooooooo cute together!!!! They are daddy's little girls arent they... Matt just got baby hungry again.. I cant grow this baby fast enough for him... he <3s capri's picturess... we especially love that last one of her smiling!!!!!!!!!! She melts my heart with that smile! XOXOXOXOXO

Micky & Clinton said...

Too cute. She is so freakin big! I can't get over it. Love my pretty ladies in VA.