Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So Cute!

I just thought this was a cute picture of Camri trying to help Daddy study. She was jabbering like she was lecturing him and of course she kept looking at the laptop and pointing. Steve got a big kick out of it too, he thought it was so fun to have her be so interested in what he was doing. Steve's workload at school is starting to get more intense and I am starting to see why they call us wives "the dental school widows". I thought they were exagerating but after just the first few weeks and it only getting worse from here, I think that is just how it will feel. But we know Steve is working hard and doing just what he should be. Love you Daddy!
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Alicia said...

I feel your pain babe. We girls need to get together and do stuff a couple of times a week to keep our sanity.

MOMD! said...

love love LOVE this picture!