Friday, August 12, 2011

Fun with Papa Steve and Grandma Coley

We did a lot of fun things when we were with Papa Steve and Grandma Coley. Here we are miniature golfing. 

You can see why Capri won...
 The little cheater would simply put the ball in the hole. 

Camri telling Capri about the finer points of mini golf:

Camri was really excited to have the purple ball

Steve, showing the girls how it's done:

Papa Steve hiding behind Capri:

On Saturday we went to the farmers market in Ogden, and they had this cute little petting zoo for the kids.

 They had goats, horses, pigs, bunnies, chickens and sheep.
 Camri loves to feed the animals

Capri was so excited to see and pet the animals. (The horse looks a bit spooked by her though)

The girls got to see their great grandpa Bob:

The girls enjoyed playing in the pool: Here is Camri catching some air

Capri and G. G.

Papa Steve took us to Lagoon, which Camri loved!
 Camri is a Papa's girl!

Hanging out with Papa and Grandma

We had a lot of fun in Utah, and Camri keeps telling me how much she misses everyone. It's actually quite sad. Every day she prays for us to go back to Utah .  


Skylar and Lauren said...

cute! Looks like u guys kept busy and had some fun! always a good thing!

Cortney said...

Camri's prayers sound really depressing. ha. Poor girl. I'm so glad you enjoyed those animals and miniature golf is always a fave!! Those girls are so cute!

Erin said...

Ashley! Your girls are so beautiful! I miss seeing them in person... weep...weep. YOU look dang good too! My poor kiddos are constantly asking about Utah too, so sad:(

Elizabeth said...

I pray for you to come back to Utah every day too! Tell Cam Cam she is not alone in that one! Love you sweet girl!!