At 15 months Capri is:
A whopping 30 lbs (This explains my sore back and increasingly buff arms.)
Taking one 2 hour nap a day (not long enough, in my opinion.)
Eating well. Seriously. She loves her food. Her favorites are fruit and Cheese. Too bad about the cheese, since we seriously have to limit it or she breaks out into horrible diaper rashes. Still a little lactose sensitive. She can only have Lactose free milk too, poor girl. That stuff smells horrible.
Causing mischief all day long, with a specialty in tormenting Camri.
Talking. Mostly "Mommy", "Daddy", "Milk", "Eat", "Doggie", "NO!", "Mine", "Birdie", "baby", "binkie", "bubbles" "Shoes", "map", "backback", "all done","more", etc...
Signing like crazy!
She knows and uses about 25 signs. Her favorite signs are "dog" and "Poop". I know, thats gross. But it is helpful, since her #2's scorch her sensitive bum.
she is the clown in our family, for sure. She is always doing something to get attention and make us all laugh.
Like any typical girl, she is obsessed with shoes. She loves to try them on and bring us our shoes. Even when we don't need them. :)
She looks so much like Steve, it's scary.
Still loves to give slobbery kisses. And she gives the BEST hugs.
She still loves babies. She loves to feed her babies, and even tries to maul actual babies at church.
She is doing well in nursery. Yes, nursery!! Since Steve is Young Mens Pres. and I'm Primary Pres. they let us take Capri to nursery. Hallelujah!
Hates the swimming pool. Most unfortunate for her since we spend a few days a week there.
Loves to play pat-a-cake. She especially loves rolling it. :)
She is such a wonderful addition to our family. I just can't imagine our lives without her. She is so sassy already, I think we might be in trouble with this one! She will let you know what she wants, and what she doesn't. It's so fun to see her independence grow, and see her personality coming out. We love you Caprese!
Holy 30 lbs...... I'm so glad she has not forgot the birdie. However the birdie is missing Camri and all the peanuts she fed him.
Thanks for the great update on my baby girl.
Give her big Grandma hugs!!
BOTH of ur girls are adorable! such sweetie pie's and cute as can be just like their momma! ;)
She sure is cute, sorry about Camri, that is sad and so weird..
15 months? She can't be- didn't we just celebrate her 1 year birthday? That can NOT have been 3 months ago already. I love these picture of her. I love the tracks. I love the close up of her, where she's looking down. And you absolutely captured her optimism.
SHE IS SO CUTE!!!! it seems like yesterday that you were working out at the gym with your cute LITTLE baby belly! WE miss you and your sweet little girls. I love all these pictures. Did you take them?
What a doll! She is seriously so. stinkin. cute! You guys make cute babies!! :)
Lindsey, of course I took the pictures of the girls! They are my favorite subjects! I sure wish your little darling's were here so I could take pictures of them again... :)
I love how excited she gets when she sees me and she starts giggling! It makes me feel like a million bucks!
Awww! Such a doll! Her hair is getting so long! It was CRAZY to hear about the earthquake. We hope the kids (and you) aren't tramatized. We'll for sure be keeping you guys in our prayers with the hurricane and Camri's root canal coming up! Miss you! Er
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