Sunday, April 10, 2011

Capri 11 months

I realize that I completely skipped blogging about her 9 month appointment... *Hangs her head in shame*

Here are the stats for her 9 Month Appointment:

Weight: 22 lbs 7 oz
Height: 29"
Head Circumf: 18 1/4

Ah, now that I don't have to feel bad about that anymore- I took her to the doctor last week because I thought she might be getting sick and she weighed 25 lbs! She is our BIG girl! Oh, how I love her! Just this last week she started taking steps (Yes! the chunk can walk!), and I think the record to date is still 6 steps without falling. We can't believe our baby is starting to walk! She is 11 months old today, and it's hard to think that in one short month we will be celebrating her 1st birthday. This week she started using more sign, too. She is signing "Daddy", "all done", and "baby", so far. I know she understands more than she is using, but we think she'll start doing more soon. We had an awesome visit from Gramma Sonja and Papa Gary this week, pictures to come. I took these pictures of her eating chilli, and I thought they were too funny to not share. She really enjoyed it. As you can see. She thinks she's a big girl, and that means she can feed herself. She gets upset if you try to feed her, so meals are usually pretty messy business. ;) We love this girl. And don't you just love the crazy hair? It's finally long enough to put in a small pony tail at the top of her head, but it never makes it through nap time. This is what it looks like for the rest of the day... if I don't fix it. Which I usually don't. Good think she can rock a mohawk.


Garrett and Stefanie said...

Another walker on your hands...beware! :)
Jaycie is in size 12 month clothes but they are getting pretty snug. She wears a few things size 18 months.
I wish I had taught Jaycie some signs. I do not even know where to begin...maybe I should invest in a book with the next one?? I know Jaycie understands WAY more than she can communicate back.
LOVE you guys. I definitely think we need to schedule some play dates...and maybe for the kids too :)
You guys can come to Cherry Hill with us ANYTIME. We will be spending A LOT of time there! I cannot wait until summer!
Sending hugs and kisses your way!

Debbie said...

I can't see ur pics... =(. But I do know CapUrTy is a beautiful chunk 'a' munk hehehehe... and I HAVE SEEN HER WALK! and she loves me! MORE THAN STEVE HEHEHEHEHEHEHHE! I Love you guys! I cannot believe she will be one soon... gosh... i remember visiting you in the hospital and she was tiny.... was is the key word LOL... She is perfect! Camaroony beware... do not pick on her too much, her day of revenge is drawing near... she can hold her own!

Debbie said...

I can see them now... BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! I love those pictures! Classic Capurty hehehehe... I love her!

vantaz333 said...

OH MY HEAVENS..... chili already??? No wonder she is getting so big so quickly. What a cutie!! I can not wait to kiss those chubby cheeks. It's amazing what she can do with a mouth full of teeth.
Love ya all tons!!

Furniss Family said...

Cute little girl :) That is awesome she is 25 lbs now, she weighs as much as Baylor now! Way to go Capri! They really do grow up so fast, but every stage is pretty fun! Happy 11 months of to Capri! She's going to be 1 before you know it!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, look at that darling girl! She is so precious! I just want to hug her and give her kisses! I can't believe she is almost a year old! WOW!! Time really flies! Kiss your girls for me! We miss you all!

Cortney Heintz said...

Love the facial expressions! What a cutie!

Elizabeth said...

Okay so this made me cry tonight! Listening to Taylor Swift and looking at my cutest niece and her most beautiful babies and hubby! I love you more than words can express! I cannot wait to see you and the family. I am excited for you to take our pictures and not charge me $500.00!!! You are the most beautiful girl and you and Steve make the most beautiful babies and I am so lucky to have you!! Kiss Cam and Capri for us and I am so excited to take them shopping. Can we plan a day or two for that. Capri needs to learn how Lizzy loves to spoil your girls. Ashley, you are an amazing mom and I love you so much!!! How did I get so lucky to have you?

All of my love,

Micky & Clinton said...

So effin cute. Love the hair and the face. No wonder you are so skinny, toting a 25lb baby around all the time!