Thursday, February 24, 2011


A couple of days ago I made Camri a turkey sandwich for lunch, and surprise, she didn't eat any of it. Capri was playing with some toys in the kitchen while Cam and I were snuggling, when I heard what sounded like Capri eating something. I'd completely forgotten about the discarded sandwich, and ran in to see what she could be getting in to. This is the mischievous little smile I came to find. She had gotten her hands on Camri's sandwich and quickly started devouring it. I thought this might be a little advanced fare for her little mouth, but when I tried to take it away, she protested in anger, sat down and started stuffing it into her mouth. So, I let her have it. Devour it she did, it only took a few minutes. She was so happy to be eating it, I had to snap a couple of pictures. Oh, how we love this crazy little girl.

Today for lunch the girls had Ramen Noodles, both of the girls were enjoying them so much I thought I'd snap a couple pictures. Funny enough, Capri ate as much as Camri did.

Camri's mouthful of noodles.

Capri is an expert at shoveling food into her mouth.


Debbie said...

We missed u today! Kylee kept on asking for camri @ the musem... first she told me u had an owee in ur tummy then she told me camree was napping and then anthter time mommy... so tomorrow??? you game?

Erin said...

So, so funny! Thanks for the laugh!

vantaz333 said...

I can not believe how big they both are getting... Thanks for the post!!! I love you all!

Garrett and Stefanie said...

LOVE that Capri ate the turkey sandwich...what a funny thing to do!! Such beautiful girls you have! Love you and miss you like crazy!!

Skylar and Lauren said...

Man camri has beautiful eyes! And I LOVE that capri and her appetite...we have that in common! yeah yeah! what little sweeties!