Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dahm Crackers, Scripture Power, and a Baby Beat Down.

Just another day in the life of us Clawsons...

Today I spent all morning cleaning my filthy house. I mean really cleaning. I scrubbed the kitchen on my hands and knees, hauled the vacuum up and down stairs, and took out piles of garbage from Steve's man cave. ( This is dangerous territory...) After I put Capri down for her nap, slapped a movie on for Camri, and got in my workout clothes, I had a date with Jillian Michaels. I was actually excited to work out this morning, which doesn't happen often. (Ok, I'm never excited, but hey, I still do it every day.) I had a great workout. An hour later I went upstairs to find my house trashed. Camri got into the "snack" cabinets and got out crackers, dropped them on my fabulously clean floor, stepped on them and drug crumbs into the front room as well. At some point she got a drink for herself, and dumped a bunch of water out of the Brita pitcher and all over the floor. Luckily the crackers absorbed most of it. Unluckily, she walked in that mixture as well, and it was all over in the carpet. Deflated, I cleaned the mess again. I was making something to eat when Camri came in and asked me for some "damn crackers". I was furious. Then I was ridden with guilt, thinking I had let my foul mouth be transferred to my daughter. I put her on time out and explained that we don't say that. A bit Sheepishly, she asked me, "Mommy, may I please have a damn cracker"? I was about to lose it again when she went to the cabinet and found the GRAHM crackers. I had punished her for a simple misunderstanding. Whoops. On comes the guilt, followed by the hysterical laughter. I thought it was so funny. I'll always think of them as dahm crackers now...

Here she is enjoying a dahm cracker...


Camri reads her scriptures with me in the morning during breakfast, and since she likes it so much, I found her a copy of her own. She calls it her "Scripture Power". She carries it around the house and pretends to read it. She likes to go through the pictures and find Jesus and Moroni. I thought it was just too cute and asked if I could take a couple shots of her with her scriptures. She obliged, and in the one picture she even yelled, "Scripture Power!!!". I'm pretty sure you can guess which one that was. :)






Today Capri seriously let this baby doll have it. She was yelling at it, squeezing, biting, and throwing this baby around for at least ten minutes. It was the funniest thing to see my sweet little angel beating down her baby doll. Usually she tries to give it her Binky's, but not today.








Dan, Heath, Sky and Harp said...

Seriously, your family cannot get any cuter. The girls are SO beautiful and I laugh so hard at your stories. You're a great mom!

Skylar and Lauren said...

what cute girls! I LOVE camri's face in the scripture power pic! haha!

Garrett and Stefanie said...

Love it love it love it!! I bet Camri says all kinds of funny things. I can picture it now!!
Capri is such an angel (even if she is exhibiting some abusive tendencies right now!!) I'm sure she'll grow out of it! :)
Love you guys and miss you!

Stacie said...

Lol- that was such a funny story! I'm glad that she was staying graham crackers too. Sorry about the cracker mess, that is always so frustrating!

Furniss Family said...

I love this post, so cute and funny! Your girls are so darling!! Life of being a mom is so crazy isn't it, and entertaining, lol. Take care and hopefully we can get together soon!

Erin said...

Oh Ashley! I haven't laughed so hard at a blog post EVER! I can't wait to show Bryan. So, so funny.

Andrew and Heather said...

Andrew has a man cave that sounds exactly like that! He always says he needs to clean it why not just keep it clean I don't know! Thanks for the laugh as well. glad to know I am not the only one who curses!

vantaz333 said...

Hey Ashley,
I hope I can figure out how to post with my new phone. I love the pictures and stories. I miss and love you all. Can't wait to see you.