Steve and I figured that since Camri is about to turn two, it would be an injustice not to get her some Playdough already. After careful instructions to play with just one color at a time, and to not mix the colors I let her play with free reign while I fixed dinner. You know that little voice in your head that says, " gee, it is awfully quiet in here. How nice. Something must be terribly wrong." ? Well I ignored that voice and when I looked over this is what I saw. I knew it would happen. What child doesn't mix the playdough colors? She loved it, and I got a kick out of watching her try to roll it out and use cookie cutters to make shapes. Our little girls is getting so big. Don't you love the cheesy smile?

Since Steve was on fall break we decided to take Cammers out to the Children's Museum of Richmond. She LOVED it. She loved it so much we ended up getting a year long membership. They had all kinds of fun activities for her to do. Here she is painting a pretty picture with daddy. Miraculously, she didn't even get any pain on her clothes!
Here she is "milking the cow". She was totally intrigued by the udders.
They had an ambulance to play in, which she thought was amazing since she could drive it and play with the stereo and make the lights go off an on. Everything we don't let her do in our car.
Here she is working in the Mechanic shop. She worked on changing the tire and fiddled with the engine a bit until she discoved a buttong in the engine made the horn honk. It scared her and she was done playing with the car stuff. Guess she'll never be a mechanic.
Of course, Camri's favorite- the water toys. She had so much fun playing in the water. She was soaked by the time we ripped her away, but she loved every minute of it.
I love Camri!
I love playdough! my mom used to make it for us... sometimes i think i would eat it =)
I love the update!!
The Childrens Museum is cool... I'll be excited to go with you when I get out there!!
I love you all tons!!
how fun-goodness she is getting so big and even cuter-didn't think that one was possible! I need to take belle to the children's museum everyone I've talked to has raved about it...maybe we'll be getting a pass too-then we could have some museum dates!
The museum looks like lots of fun.We might have to come and hit it up. Thanks for the update, I hate being so far away from my Cammers and you of course. I guess Steve too. :)
Girl I have been going through withdrawals!! So extremely glad you updated. I absolutely love all these pictures. I really can't believe your baby is almost 2 years old!! And it's much more fun mixing the play dough, and you get a pretty masterpiece when all is said and done--The museum looks like so much fun! I miss you guys so much and can't wait until I get to see you!
Love ya,
I love the playdough, my kids have done that so many times. We had to get to a point where they can only play with one at a time. But the picture on the box is so cool with all the different colors. Maybe Bryan is old enough now to get the privilege of playing with more than one color? Maybe not!! Tee hee!! I also love you museum and getting a year pass is an awesome thing to do. I LOVE LOVE LOVE our Thanksgiving Point one and would totally get it again. I think you need a pass somewhere. It gets you out of the house in the winter time. Look at this novel I just need to call you!! Have fun with Grammy and Poppa!!!
What to hear something random? The people you are linked to on your blog, Sam and Emily Waddoups? Sam is cousins with my best friend, Lorene, the one that I blog about all the time. Small world.
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