Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Some Videos for Fun!

Today on the "Today Show", David Archuletta, last years runner up on American Idol graced the stage to sing his new hit single "Crush". Most of the time Camri doesn't pay a bit of attention to the t.v. but this morning when she saw him she was watching him pretty intently! She sat down to play and when he started singing she was laughing and pointing to the t.v. and rocking back and forth. By the time I grabbed the camera to record it she was content just watching him and rocking to the music, but it still made me laugh. I was always a David Cook fan but apparently she is an Archuletta fan!

I was tickling Camri the other night and she was busting a gut! I have never heard her laugh so hard. By the time we got the camera she had stopped with the hysterics but it's still cute to hear little giggles from her. Enjoy!


vantaz333 said...

Oh.... She is just getting such a cute personality!! I can't wait to hug and kiss her.
I love and miss ya all bunches!!

Garrett and Stefanie said...

Hey, do I recall that you are making your way out sometime soon?? I sure hope if that's true that we can do lunch one day!! I miss you guys!! Love how cute your family is. Camri is getting so big--I'm so glad that you guys are happy!!

Alicia said...

Camri has sun a fun personality! I'm hoping some of it will rub off on Jonathan. :)
P.S. Loved what you were wearing on Sunday...super cute. Meant to tell you that yesterday.