Monday, April 28, 2008

Temple Pic's

This is waaayyyy overdue but I was ordering pictures and Camri is finally taking a nap so I thought I better get these up pronto! As most of you know, Steve, Camri and I were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple on Feb 14, 2008. It was an amazing experience that we were so thankful to have. Thanks to all our family who attended, especially Tom and Julie Darling who drove clear from Arizona to see us! And thanks again Debi for taking all of the amazing pictures! We love you!


Garrett and Stefanie said...

Oh Ash,
You guys look so beautiful!!
That was such a great day!! (no matter how cold!!) :)

Unknown said...

Ashely, I am so sad that I wasn't able to be there, I really wish I had but the pictures are gorgous!!! You guys look so happy and I am soooo HAPPY! I am so proud of all of you!! I am so glad I got to see pictures! I totally want a copy! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!! two days in counting