I can't believe it. Camri is done with her preschool career! Here is her "graduation" ceremony. Kindergarten, here she comes!!! How do I have a baby old enough for Kindergarten?!!
They sang cute little songs for the parents- Camri loved the one with the sticks!
Here is Camri with her teacher, Mrs. Pettinger, who is presenting her with her diploma.
Camri and her official "Partner in Crime", Kiera. These girls got into trouble all the time! They loved talking and playing with each other.
Camri and her "other best friend", Aurelia.
Gosh, where has time gone? It seems just like yesterday that she was starting preschool! She has grown up so fast. I wish I could have been there for the event!!
I sure love you all!
I can't believe it. That girl is tall. I love her little Miss Priss face and miss watching her SING! so cute, and such a super hard core preschool! Awesome idea!
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