This year was such an amazing one. Steve finished his second year of dental school, and started his third. We welcomed a beautiful baby girl into our family. My Mom received her endowments. We blessed our little girl with our family around us. We had an awesome summer together, and were so sad when Steve went back to school. The holidays were amazing. We took the girls to Disney world, where I saw Camri be the happiest and most enchanted a child could ever be. Through the trials, and the mundane we have stood together, and I am so thankful to call this life ours. Here are some of my favorite pictures from this year. So officially, we say goodbye to 2010, and welcome the new year, and all the craziness it's sure to bring!

I know I shouldn't love this picture. But I do.

Mommy and Camri making valentines "mailboxes". We had so much fun at that party.
She loved wearing Daddy's gloves and hat when the weather got cold.
"Ghetto sledding". We didn't think VA got this much snow. So we improvised. Camri loved it.

One of the best things that has happened to our family this year: My Mom was endowed! And, we were able to go through the temple with her. What a blessing to have her enjoying the blessings that come from temple work. We are so proud of her. She is such a blessing to our family.

Camri shocked us all with her extensive knowledge and mastery of using chopsticks. She ate the whole meal with them.

Camri and my Dad have an understanding between them. They just love each other so much. She loves to go to his house and play under the "Tickle Tree"

Here we are hunting Easter eggs. Camri loved finding the eggs and eating the treats inside.

This is the darling Easter dress Grandma Carolyn bought for Camri.

Here I am, just about ready to pop!

Camri loved two things this spring, her sister, and picking dandelions.

and running.

Almost everyday after the gym, Camri and I would eat carrots and ranch dip on the porch.

The second love of our lives was born on May 10, 2010.
Capriel Marie Clawson

This was Camri and Capri's first meeting.

This is Camri holding Capri for the first time. She is just the sweetest big sister. She was so excited to meet Capri, she could hardly hold still long enough to hold her.
This is just hours before I went to the hospital to have Capri. It was Mothers Day. That was the best gift I got that year. Thank heavens my mom came out to help, she saved us.

We're so thankful to have such sweet girls. Capri has been such a perfect fit for our family. She has completed us, and brought us all together.

Capri's "official" newborn pictures.

Our official "lifesaver". My Mom came out and helped with Camri while we were in the hospital, she cooked, cleaned, and kept Capri up in the evenings so she's sleep at night. Thank heavens for Grandma. She was wonderful, and the girls love her so much.

I couldn't resist taking a couple pictures of my darlings myself.

Steve's gonna kill me for posting this one. Again.

Papa Steve came out to see us just after Capri was born. We had so much fun, none of us wanted him to leave. Especially Camri.

Our girls. Love em'.

I had a mild obsession with Capri's sweet little feet. I must've taken a hundred pictures of them. Her freakishly long toes were so fun to play with.

Shortly after Capri was born the Clawson's graced us with a visit. It was so much fun we didn't want to see them leave. Camri had a ball with Amy, and I loved having my sweet Mother around to talk to and play with the girls.

Camri loves Amy. I love this picture. The girls had fun this year playing, and of course, arguing over toys.

Amy and Capri

Papa getting a snuggle from Capri

Camri and Capri: BFF

Capri looks so funny in this picture. She was so chubby her cheeks made her eyes look squinty!

Fathers day. Daddy and his girls.

Camri found her thrill seeking side at Lagoon this summer. She loved all the rides, and was completely fearless! She literally rode until she threw up.
Camri and Capri playing together. They are best friends, and I couldn't be more thankful.

While we were in Utah we blessed Capriel.

Family pictures in July.

Capri has such a sweet disposition. She was about 4 months old here.

In September, Camri started preschool! This is her first day.

Capri has grown so quickly, and looks more like Daddy every day.

Our beautiful Camri grew before our very eyes this year. She is such a sweet, smart, sassy little girl. She is a wonderful daughter, and an amazing sister.

Capri learning how to sit up, such a big girl!

Capri's first taste of rice cereal. She loved it then, and she still loves to eat!

Every year we go to the Ashland Berry Farms Pumpkin Patch.

Haloween! Capri was a chubby ladybug, and Camri was "Belle".

Family Pictures October 2010

My mom and I threw Camri a Princess party for her 3rd birthday. All the girls came dressed as their favorite princess. Super fun.

My mom came out to see the girls and for Camri's birthday and that is always a good photo opportunity. I loved these pictures of her with the girls!

Our awesome Thanksgiving. We spent it with Jana and her sweet family of boys.

I just love Capri's smile in this one. And the one of us looking like Turkey's isn't bad either.

We had a very Merry Christmas this year. We took the girls to Disneyworld, where Camri had the time of her life! Her favorite thing was seeing all the princesses and having lunch with them.

Camri loved Santa... Capri was another story.
What a great year for you guys! Your family is beautiful and it is so fun to see all these pictures! I miss you guys and wish you were closer!
p.s. Jaycie's b-day is March 17th :)
Looks like a very eventful and fun year!! That is so wonderful about your mom. I love all the pictures! You guys are such a cute little family :) Darling little girls. It's been so fun to get to know you better.
Its crazy to watch how much the girls changed over a year! Love the pictures. Miss you.
hey! Im not in ne of ur favorites GRRRR hahahahaha jk! I love you! I cant believe how much everyone has changed in one year! it was a fantastic new year! welcome 2011!!!
I'm truly blessed to have such an AWESOME family. Thanks for the glance back over the year. It was a great year. I alway look forward to your recaps of the year. Its fun to see the changes and remember all the cool things that happened.
Let's see if 2011 can top all of that. I tend to believe that 2010 was an extremly great year!
Love and miss you all!
I loved your 2010 recap! You are such a thoughtful person-and I love your sweet family! Wahoo 2011!!
What a great year for you guys. I love the laundry basket sledding, we totally did that just last week!! Miss you guys!! Hugs and kisses!
haha ashley your crazy!!! If I run five minutes I seriously breath like I have asthma. I have never been able to run espeically with my health right now. I will def try to do my dancing on my wii its a big workout. I really need to eat chicken its just hard with brandon wont touch it. did you hear we are moving? I'm so freakin excited! I will try to give him a hug honestly i rarely see him in winter. and he gets cranky hahah. i dont blame him. well give the girls a hug for me. I wanna just cuddle with that capri shes going to be two years old i swear before we see her again.
gosh dang it, I want more pictures! I'll try to blog more if you do. I'm sure your busy with your girls. Man if I had kids I wouljd take millions of pictures
I love your blog and your fam to death! Happy New Year!
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