Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween Picture Overload!

We had a really wonderful Halloween this year. I didn't even get pictures of all the fun things we did. Here is our Family Home Evening, painting pumpkins and eating treats. The girls had a lot of fun painting the pumpkins this year, and even I painted one. Capri's was blue on one side, and Camri was proud of her "pink and silver pattern pumpkin". I made a little ghost out of a gourd. 

Camri's school had a field trip that I was able to chaperon thanks to a wonderful friend who was willing to watch Capri. We took the kids to a nursery where they were able to pick a pumpkin, play in a bouncy house, go on a train ride and a haunted hayride that scared the daylights out of all of them. The next week they had a Fall Festival (aka: Halloween party), where the kids got to dress up and be in a costume parade around the school. Here are some pictures from that

This adorable little boy is Camri's school boyfriend. He is adorable, and loves Camri to pieces. They spent the whole time at the field trip together, and the Fall Festival. We are in TROUBLE!  As you can see, she likes him too. :)

We had a random snow storm, so of course, Camri had to play in it. I froze my butt off!I really need to buy a winter coat! My belly pokes out of all my jackets right now.  Capri was taking a nap when we went out, so that is why there are no pictures of her. 
 Snow Angels!!

We went to Denver's famous, "Boo at the Zoo" with our good friends, the Marshalls. Their little girls, Leah and Una are adorable! They are just about the same age as our girls so it works out really well. They got to get dressed up and trick- or- treat at the zoo. They had so much fun, and got a ton of candy! 

Camri and the Toyota "Abominable Snowman". Capri wouldn't go anywhere near him.  

Daddy was the designated "stroller". 

 Our friends, the Marshalls:

This peacock was showing off his gorgeous feathers, so I had to get a picture. I almost never see one like this. Just gorgeous!

Halloween night, getting ready to go trick-or-treating with some good friends.
The lovely Ariel, and Minny Mouse:

 This was the only time I could bribe Cappi to keep her ears on, the little stinker!! Like her "Cheese!!" Face? Ya, us too. 

 Camri loved this awful wig. She has had so much fun playing in it, and now, several parties and events later, it looks just horrible! Good thing she doesn't mind.

 Camri and Maddison, BFF. They had a wondeful time trick-or-treating together on Halloween.


Tiffany said...

Cute costumes!! And the girls look like they had a blast painting!!!!! We miss you guys and your so freaking cute!!!!

Skylar and Lauren said...

yay for new posts!!! I'll admit I regularly check to see if you've updated =) I Love the pics of the girls and the GORGEOUS mommy! You seriously look so fabulous and your hair is getting so long! I LOVE it! (it looks a little lighter too-like it matches your eyes-I LOVE it that color!) Always glad to 'see' what you're up to! miss you all!

Andrew and Heather said...

Ok you look so cute pregnant! I am jealous I usually look like a whale. I can't believe how big your girls are! I hope you guys are doing well and enjoying Colorado!

Cortney said...

I wish I could leave comments on each picture and caption, because you are hilarious, and these pictures are great. Great FHE idea! You look HOT with tiny hips and perfectly painted toenails, as always. Kudos to you for playing out in the's miserable, and I hate it...haha. Your family picture at the zoo is SO cute! I love your hair color. It looks beautiful. And Camri and her wigs...haha. I love watching the slow progression of it being WORN out. haha. At least you got your money's worth! Cute costumes!! That little Ty is going to rock Capri's world. She will do great, because she was obviously meant to be an older sister. I just worked in my blog book on the post where you threw me my suprise bday party, and it made me miss you incredibly too much. Hope all is well. Thanks for the update! LOVE YOU! And yes, you can call me soon. :)