Sunday, October 13, 2013

Titan has loved crawling. It's opened him up to a whole new world of trouble making! Currently, he loves to crawl over to this particular plant, and dig in the dirt. He eats the dirt, and scatters it all over the kitchen floor. He thinks it's a riot. Here is the little stinker at work:

I Can't seem to get a picture of Capri. She's in that stage where she just doesn't want to hold still for a second. So, I take what I can get. At least she was looking in this shot! Just ignore the belly shot.

It's been a big month for Camri. She started ballet, and got her first "big girl" bike. 

1 comment:

vantaz333 said...

I love the ballerina pic!! It's always good to see the kids being kids.