Luckily for us, February was a little less eventful than January. We had a lot of fun staying inside, keeping Titan safe and healthy. We also spent a lot of time hanging out as a family, watching movies, playing with playdough, ponies, and barbies. We got our cuddles too, as you can see. I loved this shot of Daddy with his kiddo's. He is such a good Daddy, and I am so thankful we have him. Titan is usually a happy camper, but not at that particular moment.
We decided to have little Valentines party with our friends the Williams. We made and decorated cupcakes and ate way too much sugar.

Laura and Maddy. Laura is one of the best friends a girl could ask for. I am so sad that they moved later this month. Her husband was in the same Ortho program as Steve, so we could always commiserate. And she is just the sweetest, most helpful friend. We really miss their family.
Camri and Lilly- they were almost the exact same age, and they had so much fun together. She still asks about going to Lilly's house and playing at their "park". The park is really just the Williams toy clad backyard, but to a little girls who's always lived in an apartment, it seemed like a park.
We were lucky enough to have Grandma Carolyn and Ang Ang (Aunt Ang) visit us for Titan's blessing.
We watched movies, made popcorn, went shopping and out to eat. So fun!
The ladies loved on Titan. He loved the attention, as you can see.
Grandma snuggles:
We got some pictures just before we went off to church to bless our little man.
I loved having my Aunti Ang with us. It was such a fun visit.
I'll post the beautiful blessing Steve gave him when I find it!
And of course, we played in the snow. And by "we" I mean the girls and Steve. I hate the snow, and someone had to stay in with Titan. I wasn't sad at all. I made hot chocolate and cookies while they played.
My little Snow Angel Camri.
Steve had Spring Break at the end of March. We took advantage of the decent weather and managed to get out a lot and have a lot of fun.
Here we are at the Denver Zoo:
Notice Capri's lip? She crashed hard into the couch right before church about four days earlier. I was horrified when I heard her hit. I thought she must have knocked her teeth out for sure. Luckily, she only tore her frenum. This caused some serious bleeding and swelling, but seems to have done no permanent damage. Still, it was quite an adventure. I am so glad it happened while steve was home, because I would've freaked out at the sight of the blood.
Daddy loved playing games with our kiddo's too. Even Titan got in on the action!
And of course, Daddy still had some work to catch up on: Titan helped Daddy with his homework.
He is going to be smart like his Daddy- He's already getting informed on properly aligning teeth! I see a future orthodontist in the making!
I love Titan's face in this picture!
I LOVE the pics of your sleeping little guy on the next post, and I'm glad that you had some time together as a family, that's always wonderful! You look so beautiful in the blessing pictures and i LOVE the one of you and Ty. Seriously gorgeous! miss you all!
WOW! You have got some serious great pictures, and I LOVE how you are making the most out of being there. I'm learning that you have to be CONSTANTLY entertaining your kids to keep them from whining and getting at least gets you out of the house. And all that SNOW! That is crazy! I'm glad the girls love it. I'm sorry about Capri's accident! That is scary, I'm glad Steve was home, too. Titan is getting so big and expressive. Those blessing pictures are beautiful! You are such a talented photographer! Miss and love you!
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