Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Going to the Hospital!!

Here I am snuggling with my two girls before going off to the hospital to have my little man! I was so excited when I went into my doctor appointment and she told me she was willing to induce me and that the hospital had an opening that afternoon. I hadn't even packed a bag or bought groceries for the week. So, I hurried off to Walmart, got groceries, came home and packed a bag and was off to the hospital! 

This was 12 hours later! I went into the hospital around 12, and by 1 p.m. had an iv placed and had started my antibiotics for my group B strep. As it turns out I was  contracting regularly every five to seven minutes when I was admitted. So I waited for the antibiotics to finish, got the Cytotech and four hours later (around 8 pm) started the pitocin. 8 hours in I was still only dilated to 2 CM and was feeling pretty discouraged. I had been hoping this would be a faster labor since this was my third baby. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself, expecting another long and slow labor. I had been having painful contractions before, but once I got the pitocin they started really coming fast and hard. I thought I was going to die from the pain of it all, but the medicine did the trick and I was dilating so quickly I could barely get my epidural on time. By the time the epidural was fully placed and in effect I was ready to push. Titan Jeter came into the world screaming at 1:15 a.m. on December 28th 2012.  He was the most beautiful little boy I'd ever seen. Steve said he came into the world with his eyes wide open, and he has been such an unbelievably alert little man ever since. 

This was later that morning when the girls finally got to meet their little brother. Capri thought Titan was pretty cool for about thirty seconds before she lost interest and started finding mischief around the room.

Camri had been waiting for months to see this little guy, and she was not about to share him. She wanted to hold him all day. She is such a wonderful big sister, and loves her baby brother so much.

This was the closest I could get Capri to get a picture of all our kiddo's. Gotta love Capri and her stubborn personality!

Right after we came home, Grandma Carolyn came to visit us. Camri was bursting from excitement to give her the Christmas present she had "bought" her from her school. They are such great friends. 

We decided to venture out to the Butterfly Pavillion while Grandma Carolyn was visiting too. They loved holding Rosy, the tarantula, checking out the bee hive, and watching for butterflies. 


Skylar and Lauren said...

Yay for pictures! I know you had a great excuse, but I've been checking daily! (I'm not a stalker, I promise! ;)

Garrett and Stefanie said...

Based on those pictures, I never would have guessed you had such a crazy labor; you look fabulous in the pictures! Cam and Capri sure look like they love the little guy! Congrats on such a beautiful family! Love you guys! :)

Gary said...

Wonderful pictures! Makes me want to come back to denver!