Friday, July 2, 2010

2 Month Check Up!

Here are the sweet little legs after the 5 shots she got. Poor girl cried so hard it made Camri cry, which then made me cry. I'm sure the doctor thought we were a bunch of cry babies. Daddy really needs to start taking the girls for shots. Mommy is too much of a softy.
This is the face she kept making during her nap yesterday. Sadness.
Posted by PicasaThis was about twenty minutes after I gave her Tylenol.

I took Capri for her 2 month appointment a little early since we will be in Utah for the next three weeks. Here are her stats:

Weight: 13 lbs 4 oz (97%)
Height: 23" ( 75-90%)
Head: 16" (90-95%)

At two months Capri is:

Smiling all the time ( and giggling in her sleep, too funny)
Sleeping 4-6 hour stretches at night
Holding her head up like a champ
Cooing when we talk to her
Loving warm baths with Camri
Rolling from tummy to back. She still hates tummy time.
Eating every ten minutes. Ok, maybe it just feels like it. Nursing Mom's will understand.
Looking more like her Daddy everyday.

We are so thankful for this sweet little spirit in our home, she has really made our family complete. Camri is loving being a big sister, and she is the best, most attentive sister there ever was. We love these girls.


Debbie said...

She's such a cute little chunk a monk hehehehe... we will miss u guys! have fun!!!

Micky & Clinton said...

Sad...I can't believe you cried though...heh heh. You're funny. I guess it makes you a good mom though...or a wuss one of the two. ;) Have fun in Utah, wish I could come visit. Miss you.

Lindsay said...

I love those thighs! OOOOh man I forgot you were going to Utah! I was looking for you at the gym today. Silly me. Have a fun time. Hope the flight was a good one. We will miss you!